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638 lines
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
written by Kurt Baudendistel (gt-eedsp!baud@gatech.edu)
adapted for libg++ by Doug Lea (dl@rocky.oswego.edu)
This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _Fix16_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#define _Fix16_h 1
#include <stream.h>
#include <std.h>
// constant definitions
#define Fix16_fs ((double)((unsigned)(1 << 15)))
#define Fix16_msb (1 << 15)
#define Fix16_m_max ((1 << 15) - 1)
#define Fix16_m_min ((short)(1 << 15))
#define Fix16_mult Fix16_fs
#define Fix16_div (1./Fix16_fs)
#define Fix16_max (1. - .5/Fix16_fs)
#define Fix16_min (-1.)
#define Fix32_fs ((double)((unsigned long)(1 << 31)))
#define Fix32_msb ((unsigned long)(1 << 31))
#define Fix32_m_max ((1 << 31) - 1)
#define Fix32_m_min ((long)(1 << 31))
#define Fix32_mult Fix32_fs
#define Fix32_div (1./Fix32_fs)
#define Fix32_max (1. - .5/Fix32_fs)
#define Fix32_min (-1.)
// Fix16 class: 16-bit Fixed point data type
// consists of a 16-bit mantissa (sign bit & 15 data bits).
class Fix16
friend class Fix32;
short m;
short round(double d);
short assign(double d);
Fix16(short i);
Fix16(int i);
operator double();
Fix16(Fix16& f);
Fix16(double d);
Fix16(Fix32& f);
Fix16& operator=(Fix16& f);
Fix16& operator=(double d);
Fix16& operator=(Fix32& f);
friend short& mantissa(Fix16& f);
friend double value(Fix16& f);
Fix16 operator + ();
Fix16 operator - ();
friend Fix16 operator + (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend Fix16 operator - (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend Fix32 operator * (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend Fix16 operator / (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend Fix16 operator << (Fix16& f, int b);
friend Fix16 operator >> (Fix16& f, int b);
Fix16& operator += (Fix16& f);
Fix16& operator -= (Fix16& f);
Fix16& operator *= (Fix16& );
Fix16& operator /= (Fix16& f);
Fix16& operator <<=(int b);
Fix16& operator >>=(int b);
friend int operator == (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend int operator != (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend int operator >= (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend int operator <= (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend int operator > (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend int operator < (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Fix16& f);
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, Fix16& f);
void overflow(short&);
void range_error(short&);
friend Fix16 operator * (Fix16& f, int g);
friend Fix16 operator * (int g, Fix16& f);
Fix16& operator *= (int g);
// Fix32 class: 32-bit Fixed point data type
// consists of a 32-bit mantissa (sign bit & 31 data bits).
class Fix32
friend class Fix16;
long m;
long round(double d);
long assign(double d);
Fix32(long i);
operator double();
Fix32(Fix32& f);
Fix32(Fix16& f);
Fix32(double d);
Fix32& operator = (Fix32& f);
Fix32& operator = (Fix16& f);
Fix32& operator = (double d);
friend long& mantissa(Fix32& f);
friend double value(Fix32& f);
Fix32 operator + ();
Fix32 operator - ();
friend Fix32 operator + (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend Fix32 operator - (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend Fix32 operator * (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend Fix32 operator / (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend Fix32 operator << (Fix32& f, int b);
friend Fix32 operator >> (Fix32& f, int b);
friend Fix32 operator * (Fix16& f, Fix16& g);
Fix32& operator += (Fix32& f);
Fix32& operator -= (Fix32& f);
Fix32& operator *= (Fix32& f);
Fix32& operator /= (Fix32& f);
Fix32& operator <<=(int b);
Fix32& operator >>=(int b);
friend int operator == (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend int operator != (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend int operator >= (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend int operator <= (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend int operator > (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend int operator < (Fix32& f, Fix32& g);
friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Fix32& f);
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, Fix32& f);
void overflow(long& i);
void range_error(long& i);
friend Fix32 operator * (Fix32& f, int g);
friend Fix32 operator * (int g, Fix32& f);
Fix32& operator *= (int g);
// active error handler declarations
typedef void (*Fix16_peh)(short&);
typedef void (*Fix32_peh)(long&);
extern Fix16_peh Fix16_overflow_handler;
extern Fix32_peh Fix32_overflow_handler;
extern Fix16_peh Fix16_range_error_handler;
extern Fix32_peh Fix32_range_error_handler;
#if defined(SHORT_NAMES) || defined(VMS)
#define set_overflow_handler sohndl
#define set_range_error_handler srnghdl
// error handler declarations
extern Fix16_peh set_Fix16_overflow_handler(Fix16_peh);
extern Fix32_peh set_Fix32_overflow_handler(Fix32_peh);
extern void set_overflow_handler(Fix16_peh, Fix32_peh);
extern Fix16_peh set_Fix16_range_error_handler(Fix16_peh);
extern Fix32_peh set_Fix32_range_error_handler(Fix32_peh);
extern void set_range_error_handler(Fix16_peh, Fix32_peh);
extern void
extern void
inline Fix16::~Fix16() {}
inline short Fix16::round(double d)
return short( (d >= 0)? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5);
inline Fix16::Fix16(short i)
m = i;
inline Fix16::Fix16(int i)
m = i;
inline Fix16::operator double()
return Fix16_div * m;
inline Fix16::Fix16()
m = 0;
inline Fix16::Fix16(Fix16& f)
m = f.m;
inline Fix16::Fix16(double d)
m = assign(d);
inline Fix16& Fix16::operator=(Fix16& f)
m = f.m;
return *this;
inline Fix16& Fix16::operator=(double d)
m = assign(d);
return *this;
inline Fix32::Fix32()
m = 0;
inline Fix32::Fix32(long i)
m = i;
inline Fix32:: operator double()
return Fix32_div * m;
inline Fix32::Fix32(Fix32& f)
m = f.m;
inline Fix32::Fix32(Fix16& f)
m = long(f.m) << 16;
inline Fix32::Fix32(double d)
m = assign(d);
inline Fix16::Fix16(Fix32& f)
m = f.m >> 16;
inline Fix16& Fix16::operator=(Fix32& f)
m = f.m >> 16;
return *this;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator=(Fix32& f)
m = f.m;
return *this;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator=(Fix16& f)
m = long(f.m) << 16;
return *this;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator=(double d)
m = assign(d);
return *this;
inline short& mantissa(Fix16& f)
return f.m;
inline double value(Fix16& f)
return double(f);
inline Fix16 Fix16::operator+()
return m;
inline Fix16 Fix16::operator-()
return -m;
inline Fix16 operator+(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
short sum = f.m + g.m;
if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (g.m ^ sum) & Fix16_msb )
return sum;
inline Fix16 operator-(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
short sum = f.m - g.m;
if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (-g.m ^ sum) & Fix16_msb )
return sum;
inline Fix32 operator*(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
return Fix32( long( long(f.m) * long(g.m) << 1));
inline Fix16 operator<<(Fix16& a, int b)
return a.m << b;
inline Fix16 operator>>(Fix16& a, int b)
return a.m >> b;
inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator+=(Fix16& f)
return *this = *this + f;
inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator-=(Fix16& f)
return *this = *this - f;
inline Fix16& Fix16::operator*=(Fix16& f)
return *this = *this * f;
inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator/=(Fix16& f)
return *this = *this / f;
inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator<<=(int b)
return *this = *this << b;
inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator>>=(int b)
return *this = *this >> b;
inline int operator==(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
return f.m == g.m;
inline int operator!=(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
return f.m != g.m;
inline int operator>=(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
return f.m >= g.m;
inline int operator<=(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
return f.m <= g.m;
inline int operator>(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
return f.m > g.m;
inline int operator<(Fix16& f, Fix16& g)
return f.m < g.m;
inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, Fix16& f)
double d;
s >> d;
f = d;
return s;
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, Fix16& f)
return s << double(f);
inline Fix16 operator*(Fix16& f, int g)
return Fix16(short(f.m * g));
inline Fix16 operator*(int g, Fix16& f)
return f * g;
inline Fix16& Fix16::operator*=(int g)
return *this = *this * g;
inline Fix32::~Fix32() {}
inline long Fix32::round(double d)
return long( (d >= 0)? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5);
inline long& mantissa(Fix32& f)
return f.m;
inline double value(Fix32& f)
return double(f);
inline Fix32 Fix32::operator+()
return m;
inline Fix32 Fix32::operator-()
return -m;
inline Fix32 operator+(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
long sum = f.m + g.m;
if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (g.m ^ sum) & Fix32_msb )
return sum;
inline Fix32 operator-(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
long sum = f.m - g.m;
if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (-g.m ^ sum) & Fix32_msb )
return sum;
inline Fix32 operator<<(Fix32& a, int b)
return a.m << b;
inline Fix32 operator>>(Fix32& a, int b)
return a.m >> b;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator+=(Fix32& f)
return *this = *this + f;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator-=(Fix32& f)
return *this = *this - f;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator*=(Fix32& f)
return *this = *this * f;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator/=(Fix32& f)
return *this = *this / f;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator<<=(int b)
return *this = *this << b;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator>>=(int b)
return *this = *this >> b;
inline int operator==(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
return f.m == g.m;
inline int operator!=(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
return f.m != g.m;
inline int operator>=(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
return f.m >= g.m;
inline int operator<=(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
return f.m <= g.m;
inline int operator>(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
return f.m > g.m;
inline int operator<(Fix32& f, Fix32& g)
return f.m < g.m;
inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, Fix32& f)
double d;
s >> d;
f = d;
return s;
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, Fix32& f)
return s << double(f);
inline Fix32 operator*(Fix32& f, int g)
return Fix32(long(f.m * g));
inline Fix32 operator*(int g, Fix32& f)
return f * g;
inline Fix32& Fix32::operator*=(int g)
return *this = *this * g;